
Head of department

Krzysztof Klincewicz

Academic title: Professor (prof. nadzw.)
Position: Head of department
Room: B435
E-mail: kklincewicz@wz.uw.edu.pl

Krzysztof Klincewicz, Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, head of the Department of Organization Theory and Methods. Rector’s Deputy for Intellectual Property Management of the University of Warsaw. Coordinator of the Experts Team at the Green Technology Accelerator GreenEvo, Ministry of the Environment. In 2011, elected as representative of the European Union to the United Nations’ Technology Executive Committee. He specializes in management of technology and innovation, with particular interest in strategies of technology firms. Dr. Klincewicz has many years of experience in high-tech industry in Poland, Finland and in the UK, confirmed by the professional title of chartered marketer, awarded by the British Chartered Institute of Marketing. Author of numerous articles and conference papers, as well as six management science books. Scholarship holder of the Collegium Invisibile, the government of Japan and the Foundation for Polish Science.