Dr. Marcin Żemigała was awarded postdoctoral title (habilitation, dr hab.) in recognition for his scientific achievements. In particular, the title award took into account the research presented in Dr. Żemigała’s monograph “Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu w świetle analiz bibliometrycznych i opinii pracowników na temat równowagi miedzy życiem zawodowym a prywatnym” (“Social responsibility of business in the light of bibliometric analyses and employee opinions on work-life balance“). The research started with a large-scale bibliometric exploration of CSR-related publications, indexed in Elsevier Scopus database. Dr. Żemigała identified the dominant research themes, outlined their development over time and presented diverse schools of thought. Based on the outcomes of the quantitative analysis, he identified the employer-employee relations as one of key themes in international CSR research. Bibliometric analysis of thousands of English-language publications facilitated the identification of specific knowlegde gaps, and the subsequent part of the monograph addressed one of these controversial topics: importance of employee work-life balance. This part was based on qualitative research, involving semi-structured, indepth interviews with employees representing over 20 industries in Poland, differentiated by company size and regional location. Dr. Żemigała presented typical challenges related to WLB in companies in Poland, and formulated list of practical recommendations, which could help improve the human resource management practices.