Marcin Darecki
Academic title: M.Sc. (mgr)
Position: Doctoral student
Room: B405/B406
E-mail: mdarecki@wz.uw.edu.pl
Marcin Darecki, PhD student and active Project Manager. He graduated from the Faculty of Management at University of Warsaw, majoring human resources development. His scientific and research interests are project management, process management, knowledge management, technology and innovations. He is co-author of the Green Technology Accelerator GreenEvo report “The market of environmental technologies in Poland – experiences of technology providers, lessons learned for public institutions. Research report.” (“Polski rynek technologii środowiskowych – doświadczenia dostawców, rekomendacje dla instytucji publicznych. Raport z badań”) prepared for Ministry of the Environment. Marcin Darecki also conducted scientific researches commissioned by Ministry of Science and Higher Education and of the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw.
- Klincewicz, Krzysztof (2012) Political Perspective on Technology Alliances – the Case of Microsoft and Google. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 8, 1, pp. 5-34
- Żemigała, Marcin (2012) Controversies over Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources Management and Ergonomics, 6, 1, pp. 118-128
- Klimczuk, Magdalena (2011) Agriculture and Food Processing Industry Cluster Development Conditions in Podlaskie Voivodship, Theory of Management, University of Zilina, 4, pp. 266-270
- Klincewicz, Krzysztof and Miyazaki, Kumiko (2010) Sectoral Systems of Innovation in Asia. The Case of Software Research Activities, International Journal of Technology Management, 2-4, pp. 161-189
- Klincewicz, Krzysztof (2009) Establishing and managing an innovation network – the case of NTT DoCoMo, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, 9, 1-2, pp. 104-117
- Klincewicz, Krzysztof (2007) Praxiology and the effectiveness of Information and Communication Technologies, Praxiology, 15, pp. 81-96
- Wu, Qiong, Miyazaki, Kumiko and Klincewicz, Krzysztof (2006) Analysis of the open source software sector in China, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 14, 2, pp. 117-141
- Klincewicz, Krzysztof (2000) Postindustrial business ethics, Praxiology, 8, pp. 35-46
- Klincewicz, Krzysztof (1998) Ethical aspects of sponsorship, Journal of Business Ethics, 17, pp. 1103-1110