“Social responsibility of business. Employee perspective” was a research project, co-funded from the EU Structural Funds, Operational Program Human Capital, measure 2.1.2, and conducted between 2010 and 2013. TiMO co-operated in the project with the second largest labor union in Poland – Forum of Labor Unions (FZZ, Forum Związków Zawodowych). TiMO carried out empirical research, concerning CSR-related practices of business enterprises in Poland, with particular focus on employer-employee relationships. The research consisted of qualitative study (92 in-depth interviews with employees, representing 24 industries), and quantitative survey (questionnaire distributed to a nationally representative sample of 1,000 employees). Research findings were used to prepare scientific and practical reports, as well as training sessions and seminars, intended to improve employment practices in Poland.The research team consisted among others of TiMO members: Adrianna Jednoralska, Krzysztof Klincewicz, Magdalena Miedzianowska, Michał Mijal and Marcin Żemigała. The project was managed by Krzysztof Klincewicz (scientific aspects), Michał Mijal and Adrianna Jednoralska (organizational aspects).
Important project findings include: specific characteristics of work-life balance in Polish cultural setting, problems with discrimination based on gender and age, limited use of whistleblowing and problems with reporting wrongdoings of supervisors. Researchers involved: Krzysztof Klincewicz, Agnieszka Kacprzak-Choińska, Marcin Żemigała, Magdalena Miedzianowska, Michał Mijal, Adrianna Jednoralska, Maciej Bernatt |