A new management textbook “Zarządzanie. Tradycja i nowoczesność” (“Management. Tradition and modernity“) was edited by TiMO members Prof. Jerzy Bogdanienko and Dr. Włodzimierz Piotrowski, with chapters contributed by other TiMO researchers. In the 1990s, TiMO lecturers wrote the most popular management textbook in Poland at that time (“Zarządzanie. Teoria i praktyka” – “Management. Theory and practice“). The new, extensive management textbook, takes into account the newest trends and research findings, and departs from the traditional textbook contents by concentrating on new challenges such as knowledge and technology management, corporate social responsibility. The new textbook will be used in courses on management and organization theory, delivered by TiMO, replacing previous reading materials.
Researchers involved: Jerzy Bogdanienko, Włodzimierz Piotrowski, Krzysztof Klincewicz, Marcin Żemigała |